
Showing posts from July, 2013

Blessed disciple liberated (verses 576-578): & The glory of the text-book (verses 579-581) :

                                                  Swami Adi Sankaracharya 576. Considering you to be a seeker after liberation, void of the taints of this Dark Age, with a mind free from desires, I have today revealed to you, again and again, as I would to my own son, the supreme and profound secret, the inmost essence of Vedanta, the crown of all Vedas. 577. Hearing the words of the Teacher, the disciple prostrated to him with reverence, and obtaining his permission, went his way, freed from bondage. 578. And the Teacher, his mind immersed in the ocean of eternal Bliss, forever wandered about, verily blessing the whole world. 579. Thus, by means of a dialogue between the Teacher and the disciple, the true nature of the Self (Atman) has been indicated for the easy comprehension of seekers after liberation. 580. May the seekers after liberation appreciate this salutary teaching, those who have cleansed themselves of the taints of the mind by observing the prescribed met

Final words of advice (verses 521-575) :

521. Seeing that the worthy student has gained the Bliss of the Self, is enlightened, and is prostrating, the noble Teacher being glad at heart again spoke these supreme words. 522. An unbroken stream of perceptions of Brahman is this universe; so in every respect it is nothing but Brahman. In all conditions perceive the Brahman with the vision of illumination and a serene mind. Is it ever possible that one who has eyes can see anything other than forms all around? So too, what is there to engage the intellect of a realized person, save Brahman? 523.Which wise man would relinquish reveling in supreme Bliss for the enjoyment of paltry things? When the greatly enchanting moon is shining, who would wish to gaze upon a painted moon? 524.  In the perception of objects unreal, there is neither the slightest contentment nor the cessation of misery. Therefore, content in the realization of the essence of non-dual Bliss, remain happy, ever established in the Self. 525. O noble one,