
Showing posts from 2018

*VivekaChudamani *Vedantam - 6 : Swami Chinmayananda

21/12/2018 6. As a result of one’s discriminative capacity when one differentiates between the Real and the *unreal in the world outside or in the #world within, all false values automatically drop off. When once a thing is understood to be full of bitterness, *pain and imperfection, rare is the #man who will continue to court it. Thus, Jagat Guru Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya  says that a *spiritual seeker must come to a sufficiently strong intellectual conviction that fruits born as a result of *actions cannot be *infinite. Hence he must, of necessity, be totally detached from them. To be continued ...

*VivekaChudamani *Vedantam - 5 : Swami Chinmayananda

19/11/2018 5. The *sun illumines the entire world of plurality from its place high up in the *sky. Similarly, the *Atman in the inner space of the *heart illumines all the experiences within. When our attention is on the sunlight no *objects can be perceived, and if the attention is on the objects the sunlight is not perceived. Similarly, if our attention is on the Atman, the *world of OET is not cognised but if it is on the OET, Om, the Reality, is not experienced. When the object is removed, *light is not perceived as such, it is only intuitively experienced. Running away *life in cowardice, retiring to a jungle in languor of intellect, unappreciation of things around and about us, denial of the bare necessities of the body – these are not "vairagya." To be continued ..

*VivekaChudamani *Vedantam -4 : Swami Chinmayananda

27/10/2018 If a person has gained an intuitive glimpse of the Reality even for a brief *moment, samsaara – the perception and persecutions of the ever-changing *phenomenal world – is destroyed, root and branch. The *root is the non-apprehension of Reality (avidya). ‘Ending samsaara along with its root’ means, when *Truth is apprehended, non-apprehension of *Reality vanishes and the consequent misapprehensions depart from the *bosom of a man of true God-realisation. The qualities of self-restraint, self-control, *purity and so on, can bear *fruit only when they are in an individual who has a complete sense of detachment born out of *discrimination and a burning *aspiration to surmount the limitations of his mortal *existence. ***

*VivekaChudamani *Vedantam -3 : Swami Chinmayananda

0710/2018 Contemplate upon the Self, ‘with great care’– Meaning slowly (savadhanam). You cannot force open a bud and make it a *flower. It must take its own *time. A forcibly opened up flower will not have real *beauty or true fragrance. Never hurry up. Let it take its own time. All that we have to do is to put ourselves on the rails, on the right track, running in the right *direction. We shall reach in time our coveted *destination. Therefore, very very carefully and slowly, may you gain a state of inner *peace, fully abiding in the *Self. ***

*VivekaChudamani *Vedantam -2 : Swami Chinmayananda

03/09/2018 2. As an individual I exist in "society" looking up to people who make me happy and look after those who are looking up to me for their "comforts." In the midst of these webs of "relationships" an individual exists, maintaining different types of intimate "attachments" which have a knack of expanding their thraldom. Suffocated by these, he gets "exhausted." This is the death of all "spiritual" aspirations of the "seeker" Men of "reflection" conquer this meaningless infatuation; victoriously rise, above the hungers of the flesh and come to experience the "bliss" of the supreme state.. To be continued ..

*VivekaChudamani *Vedantam -1 : Swami Chinmayananda

09/08/2018 As an individual I exist in *society looking up to people who make me happy and look after those who are looking up to me for their *comforts. In the midst of these webs of *relationships an individual exists, maintaining different types of intimate *attachments which have a knack of expanding their thraldom. Suffocated by these, he gets *exhausted. This is the death of all *spiritual aspirations of the *seeker. Men of *reflection conquer this meaningless infatuation; victoriously rise, above the hungers of the flesh and come to experience the *bliss of the supreme state..... To be continued ..