
Showing posts from May, 2020

VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokams- 12 & 13. - Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya

========================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, May 23, 2020. VIVEKACHOODAMANI VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life PART 1: (Verses 1-66, 66 No.) 1.3 THE MEANS TO LIBERATION (Slokam 6-16, 11 No.) Slokam -12 & 13. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slokam 12: The World for What it Is "Samyag vichaaratah siddhaa rajjutattva avadhaaranaa; bhraanti-udita mahaa sarpa bhaya duhkha vinaashinee." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slokam Translation : 12. 1 samyag vichaaratah siddhaa  =  Only through steady and balanced thinking, is gained 2 rajjutattva avadhaaranaa;        =  the ascertainment of the truth of the “rope”, by which 3 bhraanti-udita mahaa sarpa    =  the delusion-created, terrifying snake 4 bhaya duhkha vinaashinee.    =      of fear and