
Showing posts from March, 2024

Vivekachudamani: Slokam-54: Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.

=========================================================================================== Thursday, 28 Mar 2024. 05:30.  Vivekachudamani = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination"  VOL-1. The PURPOSE of Human Life PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.) Slokam - 54: ============================================================================================ Slogam - 54:  Simile 4: Seeing the Moon Oneself  1  vastusvaroopam = The Real nature of things is,  sphuta bodha chakshhushhaa = through the eye of clear understanding,  2  svena eva vedyam = to be known or experienced by oneself, na tu pandhitena; -  and not through men, however learned.  3  chandrasvaroopam = This is just as the real form of the moon is,   nija chakshhushha eva =  through one’s own eye,  4  jnaatavyam, =to be known or experienced; anyaih avagamyate kim. = How can it be understood in any other way? ========================================================================================= 1-2  All that has been heard about