
Showing posts from August, 2024

Vivekachudamani: Slokam-56: Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.

========================================================================== Tuesday, 06 Aug 2024. 05:30.  Vivekachudamani = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination"  VOL-1. The PURPOSE of Human Life PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.) Slogam - 56: Can Any Science or Technique Help?   ============================================================================= 1.8   FREEDOM FROM BONDAGE  Slogas : 56-61, 6 Nos =========================================================================== A NEW THEME OPENS up in this Chapter, and its verses have to be seen in the  context of that theme. If the context is ignored, then the danger lies in misinterpreting it as  criticism of other significant philosophies existing in India at the time of Sri Shankaracharya,  and in the rest of the world. This is not intended here.   Vedanta has always been grateful for what it has received from the other schools of  philosophy. It has never been critical of them. Later in this theme, one finds Vedantic  scholarship