
Showing posts from September, 2024

Vivekachudamani: Slokam-57: Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.

================================================================================ Tuesday, 06 Aug 2024. 05:30.  Vivekachudamani = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination"  VOL-1. The PURPOSE of Human Life PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.) Slogam - 57:  Can Any Talent Help?  =========================== ==================================================--- 1.8   FREEDOM FROM BONDAGE  Slogas : 56-61, 6 Nos ============================================================================== Slogam - 57:  Can Any Talent Help?  1 veenaayaa roopasaundaryam, = The beautiful form of a veena;  2 tantree-vaadana-saushhthavam; = the proficiency of one playing on its chords;  3 prajaa ranjana maatram tat, = these are Talents just to please an audience;  4 na saamraajyaaya kalpate. = they do not make one competent for sovereignty.  ===============================================================================   This slogam just points out another possible distraction facing a spiritual aspirant.   1-2 A clas