VIVEKA CHOODAMANI – Vol. 1 - GENERAL INTRODUCTION : “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" -Swami Chinmayananda


“The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination"


PUJYA SWAMI CHINMAYANANDAJI writes the following in his Introduction to his book on the Viveka Choodamani :

“Vedanta is truly the Science of Life. Sri Shankara, the great interpreter of Vedanta, not only gave us his commentaries on the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad
Gita, but also many primary texts which introduce the seeker to the joys of Vedanta. One of the greatest texts he has written as an introduction to Vedanta, is the Viveka Choodamani, which means, ‘The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination’.

“A careful study of these verses with the full freedom to enquire will give any student a correct understanding of the entire theory of Vedanta and he can, even without a very serious study of the scriptures, start his daily practices with tremendous benefits. “There are hundreds of seekers who, without understanding the fundamentals, are aimlessly struggling along a so-called spiritual path. Naturally, they suffer agonies of painful disappointment, although they have behind them years of painstaking practices. An exhaustive and careful study of this text helps to avoid all the pitfalls on the way to progress. It is my intention to bring forth from every verse not only its obvious meaning, but also its hidden import which gives out a wealth of information and helpful suggestions to ensure a steady progress.”

The Viveka Choodamani is a prime text in the Vedanta Course at Sandeepany. Bondage is caused by a lack of enquiry, and ceases only by making an enquiry. If we turn to differentiate Self from the non-Self, if we shift our attention from the world of names and forms to their substratum Brahman, then we can arrive at the final goal quickly.

The Viveka Choodamani is a Prakarana Grantha.

Its theme is : DISCRIMINATION.

It is a very famous text of Bhagavan Sri Shankaracharyaji. It has great poetic beauty. Swami Chinmayanandaji has said, “This text is sufficient to lead the spiritual life.”

NEXT : VIVEKA CHUDAMANI – Vol.1, PART 1: (Verses 1-66, 66 No.)
The PURPOSE of Human Life
(Verses 1-2, 2 No.)

To be continued ..


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