
Showing posts from August, 2019

VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.), 1.2 PRECIOUSNESS OF HUMAN BIRTH : (Verses 3-5, 3 No.) - Verse 3: The Three Graces of Life : Swami Chinmayananda

=========================================================================== ========================================================================= 10/08/2019 *VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya *Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.), ========================================================================== 1.2 PRECIOUSNESS OF HUMAN BIRTH (Verses 3-5, 3 No.) ========================================================================= Verse 3: The Three Graces of Life "durlabham trayam eva etad eva anugraha hetukam; manushyatvam mumukshutvam mahaapurushha samshrayah" 1 durlabham trayam eva etad        =  There are three things which are rare indeed; 2 deva anugraha hetukam;            =  When found, they are due to the Lord’s Grace: 3 manushyatvam mumukshutvam  =  i) a human birth, ii) yearning for liberation, and 4 mahaapurushha samshrayah.      =    iii) the Grace of an