VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.), 1.2 PRECIOUSNESS OF HUMAN BIRTH : (Verses 3-5, 3 No.) - Verse 3: The Three Graces of Life : Swami Chinmayananda



*VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya

*Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.),

(Verses 3-5, 3 No.)

Verse 3: The Three Graces of Life

"durlabham trayam eva etad eva anugraha hetukam;
manushyatvam mumukshutvam mahaapurushha samshrayah"

1 durlabham trayam eva etad        =  There are three things which are rare indeed;

2 deva anugraha hetukam;            =  When found, they are due to the Lord’s Grace:

3 manushyatvam mumukshutvam  =  i) a human birth, ii) yearning for liberation, and

4 mahaapurushha samshrayah.      =    iii) the Grace of an elevated soul.

Why is the Human Birth so Rare?

1-2 :  It has the right mixture of joy and sorrow. Other births have either continuous anxiety or insecurity of existence (e.g., animals and birds), or, as in the case of Devatas, only
enjoyment, but no growth. In other births the purpose is Bhoga alone, enjoyment. One cannot work towards the betterment of one’s evolution. In the human birth there is sufficient sorrow to give him dispassion, and sufficient joy to give him hope.

The verse goes on to describe the rarity of yet further conditions of good fortune in being led to the spiritual purpose of life, which is extremely rare indeed.

Thus the “hundreds of crores of lives lived intelligently” is not an exaggeration!

3-4 : The terms here are Manushyatwam (the human birth), Mumukshutwam (yearning for God), and Mahapurusha Samshrayah (the grace of a great being).

NEXT : Verse 4: Why Not Strive Now Itself?

To be continued ...



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