
Showing posts from October, 2019

VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : 5. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya

======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16/10/2019. Verse 5: How Foolish to Waste the Opportunity! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ita ko nvasti mudhatma  yastu svarthe pramadyati | durlabham manusham deham prapya tatrapi paurusham" || 5|| ita = than this; kah nu = who indeed; asti = is; mudhatma = fool; yah tu = whoever; svarthe = in the real end of his (rediscovery of Self); pramadyati = neglects; durlabham = rare; manusham deham = human body; prapya = having gained; tatra api = there too; paurusham = masculine qualities.      Is there a greater fool than the person who, having got the rare chance of a human birth and there too, the masculine qualities of the head and heart, falls short in his efforts to