VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : 5. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya


Verse 5: How Foolish to Waste the Opportunity!

"ita ko nvasti mudhatma  yastu svarthe pramadyati |
durlabham manusham deham prapya tatrapi paurusham" || 5||

ita = than this;
kah nu = who indeed;
asti = is;
mudhatma = fool;
yah tu = whoever;
svarthe = in the real end of his (rediscovery of Self);
pramadyati = neglects;
durlabham = rare;
manusham deham = human body;
prapya = having gained;
tatra api = there too;
paurusham = masculine qualities.     

Is there a greater fool than the person who, having got the rare chance of a human birth and there too, the masculine qualities of the head and heart, falls short in his efforts to realize his own highest good?

What greater fool is there than the man who having obtained a rare human body, and a masculine body too, neglects to achieve the real end of this life ?

To be continued ...


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