VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokam-s - 24 to 26.. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Tuesday, March 02,  2021. 07:40. AM. 
PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)
(Sloka-s 17-32a, 15 No.)
The four-fold qualifications (Slokas 18-30)

Slokam - 24: 3.4 TITIKSHAA

1 "Sahanam sarva duhkhaanaam 2 aprateekaara-poorvakam; 

3 chintaa-vilaa-parahitam 4 saa titikshhaa nigadyate."


Translation :

1 Sahanam sarva duhkhaanaam = Endurance of all sorrows and suffering,

2 aprateekaara-poorvakam;       = without struggling for redress or revenge,

3 chintaa-vilaa-parahitam          =  and free always from anxiety and lament –

4 saa titikshhaa nigadyate.         =  that is proclaimed to be Titiksha (Endurance).


Commentary :

1 Whilst pleasure is considered to be the main cause of distraction (from the Self), pain and sorrow is equally distracting, and needs to be addressed. Vedanta’s answer to pain and sorrow is Titiksha, development of the ability to bear pain or sorrow. “What cannot be cured has to be endured.” This applies to all the three types of sorrows we have learned in Tattva Bodha (Adhyatmic, Adhibhautic, and Adhidaivic).

2-3 To grasp the attitude towards this pain, the author adds two points: there should be no thought of seeking redress or revenge for such pain, and it should be borne with a stout heart. We have to learn to choose our battles in life – rather use the same energy for the greater internal battles with the mind.

Acharyaji teased the South Indian way of expressing reaction to pain. “They utter ‘Ayo!’ for any pain. And if the pain is increased, it becomes ‘Ayoyo’!”


Slokam - 25: 3.5 SHRADDHAA

1 "Shaastrasya guru-vaakyasya 2 satya buddhi avadhaaranam; 

3 saa shraddhaa kathitaa sadbhir 4 yayaa vastu upalabhyate."


Translation :  

1 shaastrasya guru-vaakyasya   = The scriptural texts and the words of the Guru,

2 satya buddhi avadhaaranam;   = understanding readily their exact import –

3 saa shraddhaa kathitaa sadbhir = that is said to be Shraddhaa by the wise.

4 yayaa vastu upalabhyate.          = By it the Reality can be attained.


Commentary :

In this verse Shankaracharyaji puts a crown on Shraddha or faith. Faith is that through which the Vastu (“thing to be attained”) is reached. What is generally called ‘blind faith’ is actually ‘belief that is pending discovery’. In any field of study we see this pattern. The chemistry teacher says water is H2O, and no one questions it. When

we were young we accepted these things without question because we got 2 marks for it! In Vedanta for such acceptance the prize is even greater – one can get liberation for it! We start with faith and end with firm conviction after the necessary enquiry is complete. Let us not shun faith; it is what gives us the confidence to go further.

In secular sciences we can verify facts by referring to textbooks. In spiritual science, we do not have that facility. We have to have faith. In secular science if there are differences of opinion, the later version is taken as superceding the previous. In spiritual science, the Guru’s instruction has to be taken as the “latest” version, which overrides all previous versions. That much of faith is needed.


Slokam - 26: 3.6 SAMAADHAANAM

1 Sarvadaa sthaapanam buddheh = Always engaging one’s intellect

2 shuddhe brahmani sarvadaa;     = in the pure Brahman under all conditions –

3 tat samaadhaanam iti uktam      = is said to be Samaadhaanam.

4 na tu chittasya laalanam.           = Indeed, it is a mind free of all oscillations.


Comentary :

1-2 A literal translation of Samaadhaana gives us: “Firmly placing our intellect on the pure Brahman always.”

4 Laalanam: This is an interesting word in the verse, translated as “oscillations”. The literal meaning is “the play we have with children”. With children we often act in the way they do, becoming like them just for fun. Here the author tells us never to do the same with our intellect. Never pamper the intellect. We should not take the intellect lightly. Never entertain fancies that come to it from the un-sifted mental mass.


To be continued ...

Next - Slokam - 27: 4. MUMUKSHUTVA



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