Vivekachudamani : Slokam-46. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.

Swami Chinmayananda:

A true seeker never stops to think of the limitations but keeps on putting forth his efforts with his eyes glued to the goal.

Swipe to read the story of Bhakt Dhruva, the youngest devotee of Lord Narayana 


Wednesday, 24 May,  2023. 05:30. 

Vivekachudamani  = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 

VOL-1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slogam - 46: What the Disciple is Required to Do


shraddhaa bhakti dhyaana   =  Faith in the paths of devotion, meditation and

yogaan mumukshhoh mukteh  =  Yoga, coupled with intense longing for liberation –


hetoon vakti saakshhaat   =  these are the chief factors mentioned clearly

shruteh geeh;  =   in the words of the scriptures.


yo vaa eteshhu eva   = Whoever he be, in these alone

tishhthati amushhya  =   stand his hopes


mokshhah avidyaa kalpitaad  =  of liberation from the ignorance-created

deha bandhaat.  =   bondage to the body.


The important point in this slogam is that an attitude of enquiry is strongly suggested. 

for each of the three stages of Sadhana.

1 The three things needed are as follows:

1. Shraddha: “Faith”. 

This indicates the attitude needed for Sravana, listening to the 

Guru or the scriptures. This is the ‘yes-ness’ towards what the scriptures and the Guru are 

saying to us. That which the teacher says is cherished as valuable. 

Bhakti: “Devotion”. 

This indicates the attitude needed for Manana, which is the 

process of reflection upon Sravana. In this stage, the knowledge that has been heard is 

‘masticated’ and thoroughly assimilated and digested. This requires the digestive juice of 

devotion to go along with it. Without devotion Manana is fruitless and dry.

Dhyana: “Meditation”. 

This indicates the attitude to have for Nididhyasana. Indeed, 

the latter is often described as meditation itself. The digested material is now absorbed by 

the system and it goes to nourish every cell of the Sadhaka’s spirit. This requires total 

attention and focus on the inner transformation that occurs. The introspective mind is 

needed for such an accomplishment, and this comes only in a mind that delights in 


The word ‘Yoga’ in the text follows these three. It means ‘union’. It can be paired up 

with all three words together with their respective Sadhanas, to obtain Shraddha-Sravana 

Yoga, Bhakti-Manana Yoga, and Dhyana-Nididhyasana Yoga. 

Some commentators also regard it as a fourth quality needed in the Sadhana at the 

fourth stage, which is Samadhi. In this stage the mind is fully absorbed in the Self. 

Nididhyasana has culminated by bringing the Sadhaka to the stage of complete abidance in 

the Self. This is union of the individual self to the Supreme Self, which is Yoga at the highest 

level. That could be a second interpretation, which is also quite valid.


The slogam gives the assurance that whoever pursues the Sadhana with these. 

three attitudes, is certain to be liberated.



Slogam - 47: Roles of Ignorance & Knowledge

To be continued



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