VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.), INVOCATION & OVERVIEW : (Verses 1-2, 2 No.), Invocation (verse 2), - Swami Chinmayananda


*VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya

*Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.),

*INVOCATION & OVERVIEW : (Verses 1-2, 2 No.),

Glory of Spiritual Life (verse 2)

"Jantunam narajanma durlabhamata pumstavam tato viprata
 tasmat-vaidika-dharmam-argaparata vidvattvam-asmat-param,
 atmanatma-vivecanam svanubhavah brahmatmana samsthitih
 muktirh satajanma-koti-sukrtaih punyah-vina-labhyate."

Jantunam = Among the living creatures;
narajanma = human birth;
durlabham = rare;
atah = further;
pumstavam = man / womanhood;
tatah = thereupon;
viprata = Brahmin-hood (Satvic life) ( not caste brahmin );
tasmat =  thereafter;
vaidika-dharmam-argaparata = steadfastness on the path of spirituality enjoined by the Vedas;
vidvattvam = correct knowledge of the scriptures;
asmat = from this;
param = higher;
atmanatma-vivecanam = discrimination of the Real and the unreal;
svanubhavah = personal experience;
brahmatmana samsthitih = established in the identity with Brahmam;
muktirh = liberation;
satajanma-koti-sukrtaih punyah = merits of a hundred crores of lives lived intelligently;
vina = without;
labhyate = gained.

"For all living creatures, a human birth is indeed rare; much more difficult it is to attain full manhood; rarer than this is a Sattvic attitude in life. Even after gaining all these rare chances, to have steadfastness on the spiritual path as explained in Vedic literature is yet rarer; much more so to have a correct understanding of the deep import of the scriptures. Discrimination between the Real and the unreal, a personal realization of spiritual Glory and ultimately to get fully established in the living consciousness that the Self in me is the Self in all---these come only later on, and culminate in one‘s liberation. This kind of a perfect liberation cannot be obtained without the meritorious deeds of many millions of well-lived lives."

"For all beings a human birth is difficult to obtain, more so is a male body; rarer than that is Brahmanahood; rarer still is the attachment to the path of Vedic religion; higher than this is erudition in the scriptures; discrimination between the Self and not-Self, Realisation, and continuing in a state of identity with Brahman – these come next in order. (This kind of) Mukti (Liberation) is not to be attained except through the well earned merits of a hundred crore of births."

NEXT : Unique Graces in Life (verse 3)

To be continued


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