VIVEKACHOODAMANI - Vol. 1. PART-1 : (Verses 1-66, 66 No.) Verse 4: The Three Graces of Life : Swami Chinmayananda


VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.), 1.2 PRECIOUSNESS OF HUMAN BIRTH : (Verses 3-5, 3 No.) - Verse 4: The Three Graces of Life : Swami Chinmayananda
*VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" - Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya

*Vol. 1. PART-1, - "The PURPOSE of Human Life" - (Verses 1-66, 66 No.),
(Verses 3-5, 3 No.)

Verse 4: Why Not Strive Now Itself?

"labdhvaa kathanchit narajanma durlabham
tatra api pumstvam shruti paaradarshanam;
yastvaatmamuktau na yateta moodhha dheeh
sa hi aatma-haa svam vinihanti asad grahaat."

1. labdhvaa kathanchit narajanma durlabham = Having somehow gained a human embodiment, very hard to obtain;
2. tatra api pumstvam shruti paaradarshanam; = and there having a masculine temperament, and also a complete knowledge of the scriptures;
3. yastvaatmamuktau na yateta moodhha dheeh = such a man, if he strives not for Self-realisation, is one of foolish intellect, indeed.
4. sa hi aatma-haa svam vinihanti asad grahaat. =  He verily commits suicide, clinging to things unreal.

In this fourth verse, the theme is quite clear. Acharyaji summed it up as, “One can get a Doctorate in Foolishness if one does not utilize such a rare opportunity to make rapid spiritual progress.”

1-2 Incidentally, Acharyaji said the students of this Vedanta Course are fortunate to possess these graces already. We ought not to waste this opportunity but go for it!

The need for knowledge of the Self is stressed again here. Only knowledge can remove ignorance. [This is the point where Atma Bodha began.] Simply doing good works is just not enough for this path.

3-4 Lukewarm effort in Sadhana is just not good enough to a spiritual giant like Shankaracharya. How foolish must it seem to him to waste even a minute on not basking in the Self!

This theme is emphatically concluded in the next verse.

NEXT : Verse 5: How Foolish to Waste the Opportunity!

To be continued ...



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