VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Verses 8 & 9. - Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya


PART 1: (Verses 1-66, 66 No.)
(Verses 6-16, 11 No.)
Verses- 8 & 9.

Verse - 8 : The Preliminaries in a Nutshell

"Atah vimuktyai prayateta vidvaan sannyasta baahyaartha sukhasprihah san;
santam mahaantam samupetya deshikam  tena upadishhtaartha samaahita aatmaa."
Translation :

1 atah vimuktyai prayateta vidvaan              = Therefore, striving to gain inner freedom, the learned seeker
2 sannyasta baahyaartha sukhasprihah san;  = should renounce all his desires for sense pleasures.
3 santam mahaantam samupetya deshikam  = A good and generous Master should then be duly approached.
4 tena upadishhtaartha samaahita aatmaa.    = To the true significance of the teaching given by him, he, the seeker, should attune himself.
Essence :

#Therefore, the learned seeker who is striving to gain this liberation and who has renounced all his desires for pleasures in the external sense-objects, should duly approach a good and generous Master and must live attuned to the true significances of the words of the Master.

Verse 9: Save Oneself from ‘Drowning’

"Uddhared aatmanaa aatmaanam  magnam samsaaravaaridhau;
yogaaroodhhatvam aasaadya samyag-darshana nishhthayaa."
Translation :

5 uddhared aatmanaa aatmaanam  =  He should lift himself by his own efforts
6 magnam samsaaravaaridhau;      =  from the ocean of change in which he is drowning.
7 yogaaroodhhatvam aasaadya     =  He should attain the state of Yogaroodha and
8 samyag-darshana nishhthayaa.   =  be established in it through right discrimination.
Essence :

Having ascended the path of yoga through continuous and right discrimination, one should lift oneself from the ocean of change and finitude wherein one has come to be drowned.

Verses 8 and 9 take one through a lightning glimpse of the preliminary stages of the spiritual path, in preparation for what is to come in the rest of the text.

1-4 When with the Guru, the seeker is advised to focus on the learning, abide in the teaching, get attuned to the words, instruction, way of living and schedule of the day.

5-6 Reaching the Guru is an immense step, a huge milestone on this rigorous path. The spiritual path begins here. However, it does not relieve one from the responsibility of
walking the path himself – “One should lift himself by himself”.

7-8 The "Yogaroodha" state is described in more detail in the Gita, (VI-4). When one has total dispassion, when nothing is enticing to the Yogi, when his mind is totally available
for the Sadhana under his Guru, then he is said to be in the Yogarudha state. Acquiring the Sadhana Chatushtaya is a prerequisite to come to the Yogarudha state. From the Yogarudha state one can begin serious Sadhana.
To be continued ...



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