VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokam - 14. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya

Wednesday, July 01,  2020. 08:01.PM.
PART 1: (Verses 1-66, 66 No.)
(Slokam 6-16, 11 No.)
Slokam 14: Success Depends on Qualifications

 "Adhikaarinam aashaaste   phalasiddhih visheshhatah; .
 upaayaa deshakaalaadyaah   santyasminsahakaarinah."

Translation :

1 adhikaarinam aashaaste        = Upon the primary qualifications in a seeker depends
2 phalasiddhih visheshhatah;    = the ultimate success of all his spiritual endeavours.
3 upaayaa deshakaalaadyaah   = Other means such as place and time, etc., do have a
4 santyasminsahakaarinah.       = place, but they are essentially secondary. 


Discourse :

This is a huge clarification, as there is so large a tendency for students on this path to blame their lack of success to outer things, invariably the Guru and his Ashram! Sri
Shankaracharya is well aware of this tendency, and wisely places the onus squarely on the shoulders of the student himself.:

1-2 Only the primary factor can give us the guarantee of success. Overriding all other factors in one’s Sadhana is the qualification of the student. We ourselves as Sadhakas are the direct cause of our success or failure.

3-4 Everything else is to be regarded as secondary. The student has to take full responsibility for his growth on this path. No one else and nothing else is to be blamed.
There are no scapegoats for difficulties that may arise in one’s Sadhana.

Even the texts we study are part of the package of secondary factors. In themselves they do not give us the guarantee that we will succeed.

The Story of Indra & Virochana :

Acharyaji told us the story of Indra and Virochana. Both were given a chance to do their Sadhana in Heaven. Can one ever hope for a more conducive environment? Both
learned under Lord Brahma Himself. Can one ever hope for a greater Guru? Yet, each disciple came back with differing results. Indra succeeded due to his correct attitude. But Virochana came back the same ‘idiot’ that he was, because he never relinquished the idea that he was only the body.

Next : Slokam - 15: Enquiry & Correct Guidance Needed.

To be continued ...



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