VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Sloka - 15. & 16. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya
Thursday, August 20, 2020. 2:29.AM.
PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)
(Slokam 6-16, 11 No.)
Slokam - 15: Enquiry & Correct Guidance Needed
"1 atah vichaarah kartavyah 2 jijnaasoh aatma vastunah;
3 samaasaadya dayaasindhum 4 gurum brahmaviduttamam."
Translation :
1 atah vichaarah kartavyah = Therefore, deep Self-enquiry must be made
2 jijnaasoh aatma vastunah; = by the true seeker regarding the Reality of the Self.
3 samaasaadya dayaasindhum = Then by all means approach the ocean of kindness, the
4 gurum brahmaviduttamam. = Guru, who is the best among the knowers of the Self.
Discourse :
1-2 “Learn to enquire”. Hard work and steadiness is what is called for. There are no
‘short-cuts’ on this path.
3-4 This puts an end to the myth that the disciple can simply lean on the greatness of
his Guru to achieve success on the path.
There is no magical ‘touch’ which will send the disciple into ecstacy. All such ideas
have to be given up. The kindness of the Guru is defined as “causeless compassion to all”. It
is not tainted by worldly ideas of kindness. The saint acts with compassion for all. There is
no favour in his outlook for any selected disciples. His kindness is not to be judged by our
relative standards.
In short, do not go to a Guru to ask for ordinary favours. Ask only for Knowledge.
Slokam -16: Retentive Power & Ability to Defend Ideas
"1 medhaavee purushho vidvaan 2 oohaapoha vichakshhanah;
3 adhikaari aatmavidyaayaam 4 ukta lakshhana lakshhitah."
Translation :
1 medhaavee purushho vidvaan = A man who has a retentive memory and is learned,
2 oohaapoha vichakshhanah; = capable of clear analysis and having argument skills,
3 adhikaari aatmavidyaayaam = is deemed a fit person for this knowledge of the Self,
4 ukta lakshhana lakshhitah. = for he has the above-mentioned qualifications.
Discourse :
1-2 The word Medha may be translated as “memory”, but it does not necessarily
mean prodigious memory for memorizing verses, although Vedanta teachers do ask one to
do that if students are young and have the ability. The real meaning of Medha is that the
student should be able to retain within his intellect the concepts taught in class so that the
teacher does not have to go on repeating them as he builds up the structure of logic in the
A basic application of the intellect on any secular science is therefore considered as a
pre-qualification for a student. It shows that some ability is there for intellectual grasping of
concepts. This path of enquiry demands a high level of intellectual ability. The Sadhana itself
develops that. The practice of Brahmacharya also ensures these conditions.
Another useful aid in playing the role of a teacher is to be able to present one’s
argument logically so that false arguments may be countered by good arguments. This is a
very helpful secondary qualification, not a primary one.
3-4 One who possesses such qualifications is deemed to be fit to be a disciple.
To be continued ...
(Sloka-s 17-32a, 15 No.)
Introduction :
Slokam - 17: The Fourfold Qualifications
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