VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokam-s - 22 & 23.. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Saturday, January 30,  2021. 09:57. AM. 


PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


(Sloka-s 17-32a, 15 No.)

The four-fold qualifications (Slokas 18-30)


Slokam - 22: 3.1 SHAMA

"virajya vishhaya vraataad doshha drishhtyaa muhurmuhuh;

svalakshhye niyata avasthaa manasah shama uchyate. " 


virajya vishhaya vraataad             =   Detached from the chaos of sense objects,

doshha drishhtyaa muhurmuhuh; =   through a process of continuous observation of their defects again and again;

svalakshhye niyata avasthaa         =   resting constantly in contemplation of the Goal –

manasah shama uchyate.             =   such a mind is described as being in Shama.


Commentary :

The “continuous observation of their defects” is necessary as it is the only real way of making the mind disenchanted with the sense pleasures. It forms a mental check against being drawn to them. Muhur-Muhur means “again and again”. The mind is tutored to repeatedly withdraw from objects. Why?

It is made to attach itself to the Self, and find its peace there.


Slokam - 23: 3.2 DAMA & 3.3 UPARATI

"vishhayebhyah paraavartya  sthaapanam svasvagolake;

ubhayeshhaam indriyaanaam sa damah parikeertitah;

baahya anaalambanam vritteh  eshha uparatih uttamaa."


Translation :

vishhayebhyah paraavartya    =  Turning back from the sense objects and

sthaapanam svasvagolake;     =  placing, in their respective centres of activity,

ubhayeshhaam indriyaanaam  =  both kinds of senses (of knowledge and of action) –

sa damah parikeertitah;          =  this is declared to be Dama or self-control.

baahya anaalambanam vritteh =  Freeing the thoughts from the influence of objects,

eshha uparatih uttamaa.         =  this is the highest form of Uparati (self-withdrawal)


Commentary :

Swa-Swa Golaka translates as “in their respective centres”, that is, the gates are closed on the senses from running outwards. They are told to sit still. That is Dama. Uparati was defined as “adhering to one’s own duties” in Tattva Bodha. Now it is taken to first principles as “free from the influence of external objects”. In general, we see that each step of the Sadhana is being taken a notch further in this. book. The same author is now drawing in the rope on the senses!


Next : Slokam  - 25  : 3.5 SHRADDHAA

To be continued  .....



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