VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokam - 21. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Friday, January 15,  2021. 07:26. AM. 
PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)
(Sloka-s 17-32a, 15 No.)
The four-fold qualifications (Slokas 18-30)


Slokam - 21: 2. VAIRAAGYA

"tad vairaagyam jihaasaa yaa darshana shravana aadibhih;

dehaadi brahma paryante hi anitye bhogavastuni."


Translation :

1 tad vairaagyam jihaasaa yaa Vairagya is defined as – “The desire to give up

2 darshana shravana aadibhih; the seeing, hearing, etc,

3 dehaadi brahma paryante from the mortal body right up to the world of Brahma,

4 hi anitye bhogavastuni. of all objects of enjoyment as they are merely transient


Commentary :

1 The word used for giving up is Jihaasaa (some even use the word Jugupsa, which

includes the suggestion “with revulsion”). We are attracted to pleasures because we do not

see any faults in them. But the moment they are viewed as repulsive, we do not hanker

after them. This is what the author is seeking to instill in the student’s mind – revulsion.

There is a verse often quoted by Vedanta Acharyas which means:

“If Vairagya cannot come after seeing the complete contents of our own body,

what else has to be done to teach one to acquire dispassion!”

2 What is meant by “giving up”? There are no loopholes in the interpretation. It is

clear that all sensory contact through all the five senses is included. One cannot say, “I will

give them up mentally, but enjoy them physically!”

3 The range of objects to be given up is the full spectrum – from the body to the

objects in the furthest Heaven, viz. Brahmaloka.

4 The reason for giving them up is also included: “They are Anitya, or transient”.




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