VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokam - 29 : The Primary Qualifications & Slokam - 30 : In the Absence of the Essentials. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.

Thursday, May 08,  2021. 07:21. AM. 
PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)
(Sloka-s 17-32a, 15 No.)
The four-fold qualifications (Slokas 18-30)


Slokam 29 : The Primary Qualifications

"vairaagyam cha mumukshhutvam 

teevram yasya tu vidyate;

tasmin eva arthavantah syuh

phalavantah shamaadayah."


Translation :

1. Vairaagyam cha mumukshhutvam        =   The spirit of Renunciation and a Yearning for liberation of an

2 teevram yasya tu vidyate; intense type   =   he in whom these are present,

3 tasmin eva arthavantah syuh                  =   in him alone shall become meaningful and

4 phalavantah shamaadayah.                    =   fruitful all the sixfold virtues.


Three sequential steps are involved here :

A: Vairagya (which includes Viveka). 


We must learn to ‘find faults in pleasures’This is one type of fault-finding we are permitted to have. Do “Japa” of these defects! Instill in the mind that they are unreal.


B: Shamadi (Shat Sampat), the “sixfold virtues”. 


Acharyaji gave each student a Sadhana Chart to fill in regularly. It is like a spiritual diary to record our progress in developing the sixfold virtues. We are to maintain it regularly. The Chart represents Acharyaji’s love and concern for our spiritual growth.

If we obey the Guru’s instructions in this regard, we obtain his compassion and Grace. Of God’s many Hands, the Guru is a special one among them. It is the one He uses to place on our head to bless us. We cannot imagine how much God wishes for the student’s success, but through the Guru, we can feel His warm hand of encouragement on our head.

When parents wish to encourage their children, they invariably stroke them over the head or face, or tap them on the shoulder!


C: Mumukshutwa, 

1b. burning desire for liberation.

Acharyaji here made an interesting insight into the relationship between these three. He said that A makes B easier to develop, and B leads the way for C to increase. We can measure in our hearts whether we have A and C, but B is very hard to measure. However, by noting A and C (which is what this verse and the previous are indicating), we can infer how we are faring with B.


Slokam 30 : In the Absence of the Essentials

"Etayoh mandataa yatra viraktatva mumukshhayoh;

 marau salilavat tatra shamaadeh bhaanamaatrata."


Translation :

1 etayoh mandataa yatra Wherever these two are of a dull type, i.e.

2 viraktatva mumukshhayoh; Dispassion and Yearning for liberation,

3 marau salilavat tatra there, like the mirage-water in a desert,

4 shamaadeh bhaanamaatrataa. the six virtues only become appearances.


Slokas  28, 29 and 30 teach the importance of Vairagya and Mumukshutwa for God.

1-4 In a battery, A and C are the terminals and B is the battery acid inside. To check whether the battery is alive or dead, we simply connect a lamp to the two terminals. If it glows, we know the battery is working; if it is dull, it means the battery is flat.

Similarly, A and C (Vairagya and Mumukshutva) are weak, then B (Shat Sampat) will only be a mirage. A mirage is only an appearance of water, not actual water. There will be no substance in B. It is not uncommon to see this in practice. Aspirants who are short on A and C, are more likely to make B into a show of the six virtues.

Next - Slokam  31 : 6. The Place of BHAKTI
To be continued ....



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