VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokam 32b. - The Reason for Approaching a Guru. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Friday, September 17,  2021. 7:14. AM. 
PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)
( Sloka 32b-40, 9 No.)

Slokam-s 32 CONTINUES by introducing a totally different theme – the meeting of the Master with his disciple. From here on, in nine exquisite verses of great poetic beauty, the themes covered are:

i) The Guru: – what is it that makes him so sought after by an aspirant.

ii) The Disciple: – what openness and humility marks him out to receive the teaching.

iii) Their Sacred Relationship: The greatness of the love and devotion that is the basis of the Guru-disciple relationship.


To Shankaracharyaji, this is something unimaginably sacred. Truly, Sri Shankaracharyaji onsiders himself blessed to speak on behalf of both the Guru and the disciple on a topic upon which hinges the perpetuation of a sacred Parampara on earth – an unbroken lineage of realized sages that has preserved this great knowledge in India and the world.

Slokam 32b: The Reason for Approaching a Guru

3" ukta saadhana sampannah 4 tattva jijnaasuh aatmanah;
5 upaseeded gurum praajnam  6 yasmaad bandha vimokshhanam." || 32.2||

Translation :

3 ukta saadhana sampannah            =   One who has the above-mentioned qualifications
4 tattva jijnaasuh aatmanah;           =   and is anxious to know the Self,
5 upaseeded gurum praajnam         =  should approach a preceptor learned in this field,
6 yasmaad bandha vimokshhanam. = by which (contact) one is released from bondage.

This is the second part of Verse 32. A new theme of approaching the Guru begins.

3-6 The focus is the approach of the disciple to his Guru, and the Guru’s response to it. It forms a most revealing aspect of Vedantic discipleship. It is such a sensitive aspect that
Sri Shankaracharyaji very soon drops his intellectual pen and picks up the thread in some of the most magnificent poetry written in Samskrit. The poet in the author comes to the fore in
dealing with the sheer beauty of the relationship between the Master and the truly yearning disciple.


Next-Slokam 33: The Qualifications of a Guru
To be continued ....



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