VIVEKACHOODAMANI – “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" : Slokam 33. - The Qualifications of a Guru : Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Tuesday,November 23,  2021. 7:00. AM. 


PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


( Sloka 32b-40, 9 No.)


Slokam 33: The Qualifications of a Guru :

"shrotriyah avrijinah akaama  hatah yah brahmavittamah;

 brahmani uparatah shaantah nirindhanah iva analah;

 ahetuka dayaa sindhuh bandhuh aanamataam sataam."


Translation :

"One well-versed in scriptures, sinless and unsmitten by desires;  who is a full knower of the Supreme, abiding peacefully in the Supreme, like fire that is devoid of fuel;  who is an ocean of mercy needing no cause for its expression; and  is an intimate friend to the good and humble."


Commentary :

This slokam provides the Guru Lakshana or the signs by which a Guru may be recognised. The words of Gurudev, Swami Chinmayanandaji are themselves quoted here:

“Sankaracharyaji exhausts his list of adjectives in enumerating the qualities of the true Guru. It is well-known that in all constitutions, laws are prescribed for both the governors and the governed. Since this is a text laying down the rules for spiritual progress, Sankaracharyaji is as vehement in prescribing the specifications for a true and honest teacher as he is in describing the prerequisites for a true spiritual aspirant.”

Acharyaji himself in all humility could not dwell for too long on such a theme. 

“Who am I to judge the Divine Teachers?” – with that he desisted from saying anything further, allowing the greatness of the Guru as expressed in this verse, to go directly to our hearts. He directed us to our role of perfecting our discipleship rather than judging the Guru. It was most touching to feel with Acharyaji his reverence for this unique and delicate relationship.

And thus we pass one of the most comprehensive slokams we are ever likely to find in literature on the greatness of the Guru.

Next - Slokam 34: The Attitude of the Disciple

To be continued ...



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