Vivekacudamani : Slokam 35. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Wednesday, March 16,  2022. 06:00. 

“The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 

VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slokam - 35 : The Disciple’s Prayer.

0 shishhya uvaacha; The Disciple says:

1svaamin namah te  nata-lokabandhah       2karunya-sindho patitam bhavabdhau;  

3mam udhara atmeya katakshha drishtya  4rijvya ati karunya sudhabhi vrishhtya.


Translation :

1. svaamin namah te  nata-lokabandhah                      =  O Master, salutation to Thee!  O kinsman of those who surrender to Thee!

2. karunya-sindho patitam bhavabdhau;                 =  O Thou, the ocean of mercy to those  fallen in the “Sea of Change”;

3. mam udhara atmeya katakshha drishhtya  =  Save my soul; (even if it be only)  with a side-glance of Thy eyes,

4. rijvya ati karunya sudhabhi vrishtya.               =  directed at me, full of compassion,  raining the nectarine Grace supreme.


Comments :

1-2 The poetic shift is immediately palpable. We are in another realm altogether, beyond that of the intellect. The disciple offers worship first.

3-4 Then, as though with some hesitation, he asks for something that would cause least trouble to his Guru – just a passing glance of Grace!

What drives him to seek his Guru’s Grace? We shall see that and, more importantly, the significance of the “nectarine rain of Grace” in the next slokam.


Next Slokam 36 :  His Painful Encounter in the World

To be continued ....



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