Vivekacudamani : Slokam -37. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Wednesday, June 15,  2022. 06:00. 

“The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 

VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slokam - 37 : Acknowledging the Goodness of Saints

"Shantah mahantah   nivasanti santah vasantavat  lokahitam charantah;

teernah svayam bheemabhavarnavam  janan ahetuna anyan api tarayantah."


Translation :

1 shantah mahantah   nivasanti santah  =  Peaceful and magnanimous are the lives of saintly souls.

2 vasantavat  lokahitam charantah;  =  Like the spring season,  they live only for the good of humanity.

3 teernah svayam bheemabhavaarnavam  =  They have by their own efforts crossed over  the dreadfully vast ocean of Samsara.

4 janaan ahetunaa anyaan api taarayantah. = Now, with no ulterior motive,  they help other people also to cross over.


Commentary :

The disciple has approached the Guru, and now Sri Shankaracharyaji has his chance

to extol the Guru. His heart overflows with the remembrance of his own Guru.

1a There is a calmness and peacefulness about the Guru, free from all agitation.

1b He is non-judgmental, accepting, ope-n to all who come to him with sincere

yearning. Magnanimous sums up his 

2 They are like the spring season for the good of humanity. In spring everything looks

so fresh – even the grass stretches itself tall and smiles to all. The grasshoppers prance

about in joy. All nature seems to be celebrating. To such a fresh and cool season is the

Guru’s temperament compared.

3-4 They have been through the mill, as it were, and are now ready to help others to

cross the dangerous chasm of worldly pitfalls. A tribute is paid to the “Guru” in the

Mahatma. How caring he can be to young seekers! The Guru is completely selfless in

assisting other seekers. There are no strings attached to his service of them. Indeed, such 

Masters are very rare.


Next - Slokam 38: The Service Rendered by the Guru

To be continued  ....



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