Vivekacudamani : Slokam-38. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Saturday, August 20,  2022. 09:00. 

“The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 

VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slokam 38: The Service Rendered by the Guru.

"Ayam svabhaavah svatah eva yat parashramaapana udapravanam mahaatmanaam;

sudhaamshuh eshha svayam arkakarkasha- prabhaabhi taptaam avati kshhitim kila."


Translation :

1 ayam svabhaavah svatah eva yat              = Indeed, it is their natural nature to be so –

2 parashramaapana udapravanam mahaatmanaam;   = to remove the troubles of others is the inclination of magnanimous souls;

3 sudhaamshuh eshha svayam arkakarkasha-      = prabhaabhi taptaam The moon is seen to express its own nature:Scorched by the flaming rays of the sun,

4 avati kshhitim kila.                        = the earth is cooled by the moon, is it not?


Commentary :

Another beautiful simile is used to describe the soothing, calming influence of the Guru – the moon. The disciple’s predicament has been described as “being scorched by fire”. What better antidote for his pain than the cooling comfort provided by the moon!

A quote from Swami Chinmayanandaji himself was read out in class, as they were unmatched in their beauty: 

“A man of full realization instinctively becomes a lover of the 
whole universe. He may dwell in a cave in the Himalayas or he may walk about in the market-place – wherever he be, irresistibly, instinctively, he will spread around him an aura of knowledge, light, cheer, joy and peace. It is his very nature.”


Next - 
Slokam-39: The Soothing Words of the Guru.
To be continued ....



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