Vivekacudamani : Slokam-41 & 42.. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Tuesday, December 13,  2022. 06:00. 

Vivekacudamani  = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 



VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


1.6 LOVING ADVICE OF THE GURU : Slokas 41-47, 7 No.

THE CHAPTER ON Guru Upasadana has ended. Now the Guru Upadesha begins.

The immediate prescription to such a disciple who has just poured out his heart to 

the Master is to offer him hope, not in words but through a warm, inviting, loving attitude. 

The Guru responds unpremeditatedly, and embraces the disciple with love and 

kindness. This is the most understood language that stands for hope and protection. In 

words, it is like saying, “Welcome, my child, I promise to help you!”


Slokam - 41: The Guru Responds Spontaneously

With Translation


tathaa vadantam = In this manner, he (the Disciple) speaks

sharanaagatam svam = of his own desire to seek the protection of his Guru


samsaaradaavaa = from the forest of Samsara (worldliness),

anala taapataptam; = in the fire of which he is being tormented.


nireekshhya kaarunya = Showering him with a look of pity and kindness,

rasaardra drishhtyaa = he (the Guru), beholding him in this pitiful state, 


dadyaad abheetim = bestows upon him protection from fear,

sahasaa mahaatmaa. = as a spontaneous gesture of his large-heartedness.


Slokam - 42: No Need for Further Qualifications

With Translation :


vidvaan sah tasmai = The learned one, to such a seeker standing before him,

upasattim eeyushhe = i) who has thus approached him; 


mumukshhave saadhu = ii) who has rightly determined to seek;

yathoktakaarine; = iii) who has abided by the protocol on procedure;


prashaanta chittaaya  = iv) who possesses a serene mind,

shamaanvitaaya = v) and who is endowed with tranquillity –


tattva upadesham = the instruction about the Reality should be

kripayaa eva kuryaat. = imparted with utmost kindness as an act of Grace. 


1-4 These lines confirm the presence of Sadhana Chatushtaya in the disciple. There is 

already the full qualification in every breath of the disciple. What need is there for further 

testing? In such a situation, with the disciple panting for a refreshing breath of knowledge, 

the Guru steps forward into his life as on a rescue operation. The sense of urgency is in the 

air. There is not a moment to waste. 

The rarest, finest human aspiration has to be met by the rarest and finest response 

of acceptance and kindness. When the demand is there, the supply has to come, too.


Slokam - 43: The Guru Expresses his Confidence 
To be continued



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