Vivekacudamani : Slokam-43. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Monday, February 06,  2023. 06:00. 

Vivekacudamani  = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 



VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slokam - 43: The Guru Expresses his Confidence 

With Translation :

shree guru vaacha;  =  The Guru says:


maa bhaishhta vidvan  tava na asti apaayah  =  Fear not, O brilliant one ! For you there is no danger.


samsaarasindhoh tarane asti upaayah;   =    To cross over this ocean of worldliness, there is a way.


yena eva yaataah yatayah asya paaram  =  By this way alone have all the saints  over this world.


tam eva maargam tava nirdishaami.  =  That very same Path (that they all have trodden)  shall unfold to you (who are the fit person for it).


Bhashya (Vyakyanam) :

1 Fear of failure is allayed from the student at once. He is praised for his intellectual 

courage to spurn the wide world of attractions, and seek his salvation from the clutches of 

Maya. The Guru shows his confidence in the disciple: “There may be danger for the one who 

still has attraction for pleasures, but for you there is none, for your dispassion is like fire –

nothing can withstand it.”

Let us keep in mind that what follows is spontaneous. It is not a strategically worked 

out plan to ‘lure’ anyone. Here is human trust at its noblest and most refined. This is how it 

unfolds itself as Nature intended it to: 

2 Fear is answered with words of hope – “There IS a way out of this mess. Come, I 

will show it to you.”

3-4 Is the disciple going to be a “guinea-pig” of the Guru? No, the Guru is not going 

to experiment with his disciple. He is giving him a life-line which has been time-honoured 

and proven to work by innumerable Rishis of the past. There is no question of the blind 

leading the blind here. Using authentic methods, the disciple is offered all the assistance he 


The journey to the Beyond is the most worthwhile journey to be made with this 

vehicle of the human body.

Mantram - 44: The Supreme Means to Supreme Bliss :

To be continued



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