Vivekacudamani : Slokam-44. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Wednesday, March 22,  2023. 06:00. 

Vivekacudamani  = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 



VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Mantram - 44: The Supreme Means to Supreme Bliss :
With Translation :

1 asti upaayah mahaan kashchit   =  There is one supreme means

2 samsaara bhaya naashanah;   =  capable of destroying the fear of Samsara;

3 tena teertvaa bhavaam-bhodhim   =  by which you will cross the sea of Samsara 

4 paramaanandam aapsyasi.   =  and attain supreme Bliss.


Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) :

1-2 This is the means. There is a certainty in it, due to which there is simply no room 

for even a trace of fear on this path.

3-4 And what is the assurance given? It will spell the end of your tossing ride on the 

waves of Samsara. “You will succeed!” There is no doubt whatsoever.

On this solid foundation, begins the Master’s great teaching…

There is a supreme means by which you can put an end to the 

fear of relative existence; by that you will cross the sea of 

samsara and attain the Bliss Supreme.


Mantram - 45: The Foundational Texts Glorified
To be continued



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