Vivekacudamani : Slokam-45. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Friday, April 21,  2023. 05:40. 

Vivekacudamani  = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 



VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slokam - 45: The Foundational Texts Glorified


vedaanta artha vichaarena   =  By contemplating upon the meaning of the Upanishads


jaayate jnaanam uttamam;   =  is born the highest knowledge (of the Supreme Reality)


tena aatyantika samsaara   =  by which the endless world of names and forms


 duhkha naashah bhavati anu.   =  with all its sorrows is immediately brought to an end.



 correct bottle of medicine is pulled out of the shelf by the consummate 

Master. As we said earlier, this is not a time for experimenting. The medicine has been tried 

and tested, not on animals as today’s drugs are tested, but on great seekers. The results 

have been published in every Upanishad in the form of Mantras.



“annihilation”. The word is justifiably selected. This medicine will 

totally annihilate all traces of the disease of delusion and sorrow. That is a guarantee. 

Sorrow is removed at its very root. The destruction is once and for all. “You will be fearless 

forever!” assures the Master. 

"Once a match is struck in a cave, no matter how ancient the darkness was, it disappears in an instant!"


Slokam - 46: What the Disciple is Required to Do
To be continued



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