Vivekachudamani : Slokam-47. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.


Tuesday, 29 Ag,  2023. 05:30. 

Vivekachudamani  = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 

VOL-1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slogam-47. Roles of Ignorance & Knowledge


ajnaanayogaat = Through contact with Ignorance

paramaatmanah tava =  you, who are the Supreme Self


hi anaatma bandhah = indeed, experience the bondage of the not-Self;

tatah eva samsritih; = from this alone proceed birth and death.


tayoh vivekah = By discriminating between these two (Self and not-Self),

uditabodha vahnih =  the blaze of knowledge arises;


ajnaana kaaryam  = (then) the effects of ignorance 

pradahet samoolam. = are burnt down together with their very roots.



The Acharya in Shankaracharyaji here uses his experience to guide the student. Every 

student faces the difficulty of correctly assessing the hurdle that he has to conquer. The 

danger of over-exaggerating the problem is addressed in this verse.

1-2 The Problem: 

To limit the extent of this danger, the Acharya wisely tells the 

student, “Come, it is nothing very serious, you have not done anything really wrong. You 

have not committed any offence or crime. It is just that this ‘Ignorance’ which dominates 

man’s mind, has made you identify with the body and has made you insecure; that is all. 

From that the whole world drama has been set afoot.

3-4 The Solution: 

The Acharya continues: “Now you do just one thing – do careful 

Viveka. I am not going to ask you to do any severe austerities, etc. That is not for you. You 

just stick to Viveka for a while and your problems will be burnt away by the ‘blaze of 

knowledge’ that will arise.”

Sometimes it is the small instructions that are most useful to spiritual aspirants. We 

tend to overlook them. A good Teacher builds up the wall of knowledge one brick at a time.

Prashna Beeja: 

The Seed of the Disciple’s Questions

This  slogam has the predetermined effect of arousing some basic questions in the ripe 

student’s mind. Several new ideas are thrown at him, and the teacher expects them to 

rebound to him in the form of questions.

That does indeed happen. And virtually the rest of Viveka Choodamani is an answer 

to those questions . . .




(Slogas 48-55, 8 No.)

To be continued



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