Vivekacudamani : Slokam-39. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.



Tuesday, October 18,  2022. 07:00. 

“The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 

VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slokam-39: The Soothing Words of the Guru :

1 "brahmaananda rasa anubhooti kalitaih,  pootaih susheetairyutaih 

2 yushhmad vaak kalasha ujjhitaih shrutisukhai, vaakyaamritaih sechaya;

3 santaptam bhava taapadaava dahana jvaalaabhih enam prabho; 

4 dhanyaah te bhava deekshhanakshhanagateh, paatreekritaah sveekritaah." 


Translation :

1 brahmaananda rasa anubhooti kalitaih,  pootaih susheetairyutaih = The experience of the elixir-like

 Bliss of Brahman, which has sweetened, purified and cooled

2 yushhmad vaak kalasha ujjhitaih shrutisukhai, vaakyaamritaih sechaya;" = hy speech, making it issue

 as from a pitcher, in streams from Thy lips, delightful to listen to – do thou shower such nectar-like

 speech (on me)

3 santaptam bhava taapadaava dahana jvaalaabhih enam prabho; = For tormented am I by earthly

 afflictions as by the tongues of a forest fire, O Lord, do Thou bless this (i.e. me)!

4 dhanyaah te bhava deekshhanakshhanagateh, paatreekritaah sveekritaah. = Blessed are they who

 receive even a passing glance from Thy eyes, and accept it as an assurance of Thy protection!


Commentary :

In the two last slokas of this chapter, we return to the outpourings of the disciple’s 


1 The first point about this verse is the fitting usage of words: The first line has a 

sweet melody in it, appropriate to “the nectarine speech, honeyed by the elixiric bliss.” The 

words chosen are soft sounding.

2 Kalaasha: “pitcher, water-jug”. This literal translation does not do justice to the 

Samskrit word. Kalasha is a sacred vessel, used for doing poojas in the temple. The holiness 

associated with it is the real tribute paid to the Guru by using this word. The metaphor is 

that the words from the Guru’s lips are as if coming out of a sacred vessel in his throat!

Sechaya: “sprinkle”. There is also a delicate touch added here to describe how the 

Grace comes from the Guru. It becomes an action reminiscent of worship, where water is 

sprinkled in all directions.

3 Then in the third line, the forest fire and earthly afflictions are described. The 

meter is quickened, the words chosen have a snappy tone about them – “Santaptam”, 

“Bhava-taapa-dava-dahana”, “Jwala-bhir-enam”.

4 In the last line the cooling comfort of the passing glance is described in rhythmic 

words as “Deekshana-kshana-gate” and “Patreekrita Sweekrita”.

That is why they are said to be oozing out of the sacred kalasha vessel!


Next -

Slokam - 40: An Ardent Request to the Guru

To be continued 



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