Vivekacudamani : Slokam-40. Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya.




Thursday, October 28,  2022. 07:30. 

Vivekacudamani  = “The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination" 



VOLUME : 1. The PURPOSE of Human Life

PART 1: (Sloka-s 1-66, 66 No.)


Slokam - 40: An Ardent Request to the Guru

1 "katham tareyam bhavasindhum etam, 2 kaa vaa gatih me katamah asti upaayah; 

3 jaane na kinchit kripayaa ava maam prabho, 4 samsaara duhkha kshhatim." 


Translation :

1 katham tareyam bhavasindhum etam = How do I cross this ocean of relative existence?

2 kaa vaa gatih me katamah asti upaayah; = What is to be my ultimate destination? Which of the many means should I adopt?

3 jaane na kinchit kripayaa ava maam prabho = I know nothing of these, Please save me, O Lord!

4 samsaara duhkha kshhatim. =  How to end the misery of this life in the finite, kindly describe this to me in detail.


Commentary :

The disciple continues to express what he would like the Guru to do for him. His 

humility is pure and unaffected. There is no trace of hypocrisy in his attitude or in the words 

he has chosen. He is artless, guileless, unpretentious. 

He does not face his Guru as a learned person. He “does not know anything” – that is 

his posture before his Guru.

In the last line the disciple sums up by expressing his wish to end the misery of living 

“life in the finite”. He awaits the life Infinite with eagerness, as it was explained to him by 

the Guru. He cannot wait to get all the details of such a life.

In short, the Sishya or disciple places himself on the operation table and pleads to 

the surgeon, his Guru, to perform the necessary operation. We have to give Shankaracharya 

full marksfor communicating so beautifully the delicate emotions between Guru and Sishya. 




(Verses 41-47, 7 No.

To be continued



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