"Direct experience: Liberation (verses 62-66)"



 Direct experience: Liberation (verses 62-66)


62. A disease is not cured by merely repeating the name of the medicine, without taking it.Similarly, without direct realization, none can be liberated by a mere utterance of the word 'Brahman.'


63. Without achieving the dissolution of the world of perceptions and without realizing the Truth of the Self, how can one achieve full liberation by a mere repetition of the word, "Brahman"? Surely it will result only in a wasteful effort of speech.


64. Without eliminating his enemies and without bringing the splendor of the whole kingdom under his sway, by merely repeating, "I am the Emperor",  one cannot become an emperor.


65. A treasure hidden deep below under the earth can be found only when the exact site it known, excavations carried out and the earth, stones, etc., covering it are removed; never can it come out by merely calling its name. Similarly, the pure Truth of the Self, hidden by illusion (Maya) and its effects, can be attained through the instructions of one who is knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation etc. But never can the Self emerge and manifest itself by repeating perverted reasoning.


66. Therefore, the wise seeker should, as in the case of illness etc., strive hard by every means at his disposal to be free from the bondage of repeated births and deaths.





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