"Gross Body (verses 72-75)"



Gross Body (verses 72-75)



72. Composed of the seven ingredients---marrow, bones, fat, flesh, blood, dermis and epidermis, and consisting of the following parts---legs, thighs, chest, arms, back and the head:


73. This body, the seat of delusion, expressing in terms of "I" and "mine",Having united with parts of one another, they become gross, and become the cause for the formation of the gross body. Their subtle essence constitutes the sense-objects, five in number, such as sound etc., which contribute to the enjoyment of the experiencer, the individual ego. is termed by the wise as the gross body. Sky, air, fire, water, and earth are the subtle elements.


74. Having united with parts of one another, they become gross, and become the cause for the formation of the gross body. Their subtle essence constitutes the sense-objects, five in number, such as sound etc., which contribute to the enjoyment of the experiencer, the individual ego.


75. Those thoughtless ones who are bound to these sense-objects by the stout ropes of attachment so very difficult to cut asunder, come and go, carried up and down by the compelling force of the envoy (of the reactions) of their own past actions.





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