"Verses:95 to 102"


The five pranas (verse 95)

95. One and the same Prana becomes Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, and Samana according to its functions and modifications, like gold, water etc.

Subtle body: effects (verse 96-101)

96. The five organs of action beginning with speech, the five organs-of-perception beginning with the ear, the group of five pranas, the five elements starting with space, along with the discriminative intellect etc. and also ignorance, desire, and action—these eight 'cities' together constitute the subtle body.


97. This subtle body, listen carefully, also called the Linga Sarira, produced from the subtle elements is possessed of the latent impressions (vasanas), and it causes an individual to experience the fruits of one‘s past actions. It is the beginningless limitation superimposed on the Self and brought about by its own 'ignorance.'


98. Dream is the state when this (subtle body) is distinctly in expression, where it expresses all by itself. In dream, the intellect by itself revels as the agent of experiences etc., due to the various impressions gathered by it during its waking state.


99. In this condition, the supreme Self shines in its own glory, with the intellect as its only limitation, witness of everything uncontaminated in the least by the activities of the intellect. Since it is entirely unattached, it is not tainted by any action that its apparent conditionings may perform.

100. As the tools of a carpenter are his instruments, so this subtle body is an instrument for all activities of the Self (Atman), which is of the nature of Knowledge Absolute. This Self, therefore, is perfectly unattached.

101. Blindness, weakness, or sharpness of the eye are conditions merely due to its defect or fitness. So too, deafness, dumbness etc., belong to the ear etc. These attributes can never belong to the Self (Atman), the knower.


Fuctions of prana (Verse 102)


102. Experts call inhalation, exhalation, yawning, sneezing, secretion, death etc. as functions of the vital breath, while hunger and thirst are the qualities of the main vital breath.



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