"Verses 87 to 94"


Gross body condemned (verses 87-91)


87. This gross body is most offensive as it is composed of skin, flesh, blood vessels, fat, marrow and bones and also it is ever filled with urine and faecal matter.


88. Made up of the gross elements formed by the combination of the subtle elements and ordained by past actions, this gross body is the instrument of experience for the Self. The state in which it perceives gross objects is its waking state.


89. The individualized ego identifying itself with this body, enjoys gross objects such as garlands, sandal-paste, women etc. of an endless variety by means of the sense-organs. Therefore this body has the greatest play in the waking state.


90. Know this gross body, on which depend all dealings with the world outside, is just like the house of the householder.


91. Birth, decay and death are the essential properties of the gross body; fatness etc., childhood etc., are its different conditions; it has rules of caste and orders of life; and it is subject to a variety of diseases and it is this body that meets with different kinds of treatment such as worship, dishonour, honour, etc.


Organs of perception and action (verse 92)


92. The ears, skin, eyes, nose, and tongue are organs of knowledge, for they help us gain the knowledge of the external objects. ( The organ of speech, hands, legs, anus and genitals are the organs of action due to their tendency to work.


Inner instruments (verses 93-94)


93. The 'inner organs' are called, according to their respective functions as mind, intellect, ego and chitta. Mind is so called by reason of its considering the pros an cons of a thing; intellect by reason of its function of determining the truth of objects.


94. The ego is so called by reason of its identification with the body as one‘s own self and chitta from its function of constantly illumining the things of its interest.



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