"Fascination for body criticized (verse 83-86)"


Fascination for body criticized (verse 83-86)

83. This body is essentially an instrument for realizing the Paramatman. He who does not constantly use it for liberating himself from the bondage born of beginningless ignorance but constantly seeks to gratify it, destroys himself.

84. Whoever seeks to realize the Self by devoting himself to the gratification of the body, is like one who proceeds to cross a river, holding on to a shark, mistaking it for a log of wood.


85. For a student seeking liberation, infatuation with the body etc. is a ‗tragic death‘. He alone deserves liberation who has totally conquered this attachment.

86. Conquer this great attachment to your body, wife, children etc. By conquering these, sages reach the supreme State of Lord Vishnu.


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