"Knowledge of the Self, Its beauty (verses 56-61)"




Knowledge of the Self, Its beauty (verses 56-61) :



56. Neither by Yoga, nor by Sankhya, nor by action, nor by learning, is liberation possible. Only by the realization of the oneness of the Brahman (Absolute) and the Atman (Self) is liberation possible, and in no other way*.

*Sankara takes his unqualified stance on Advaita (non-dualism) in this categorical verse. The reason liberation is not attained by Yoga, Sankhya or action (yoga) is because these systems postulate duality, which is ultimately the product of ignorance. Unless one realizes one‘s identity with Brahman, one is still operating within the domain of duality and is thus not released from the bondage of separative existence. Also, see verse 6. Says a key verse in Mandukyopanisad (I.7.xvii): ―Mayamatram idam dwaitam, advaitam parmarthah:‖ This duality is mere illusion. Non-duality alone is the Supreme.


57. The beauty of the veena and the proficiency of one playing on its chords serve but to please an audience; they do not, by themselves, ever prove sufficient to confer full sovereignty.


58.   Loud speech in a stream of words, the efficiency in expounding or commenting upon the scriptures, erudition—these bring only a    little joyous, material satisfaction to the scholar; but they are insufficient to bring about liberation.


59. Without knowing the supreme Reality, the study of the Sastras is futile. Having known the supreme Reality, the study of the Sastras is equally futile.


60. The labyrinth of words is a thick jungle which causes the mind to wander, in its own confusion. Therefore, true seekers of Brahman should earnestly set about to experience the Real Nature of the Self.


61. For him who has been stung by the serpent of ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what use are the Vedas and the scriptures, mantras and medicines to such a victim of poison?


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