"Discussion on Questions raised (verses 67-71)"




Discussion on Questions raised (verses 67-71)


67. The questions you have raised today are excellent, accepted by those well-versed in the Scriptures, aphoristic, full of hidden meaning and such that are fit to be known by all seekers.


68. Listen attentively, O learned one, to what I shall now tell you. Listening to it you shall be liberated completely from the bondage of worldy existence (Samsara).


69. The first step to liberation is the complete detachment from impermanent things. Then follow calmness, self-control, forbearance, and complete renunciation of all selfish actions.


70. Thereafter come 'hearing', then reflection on what has been heard and, lastly, long, constant, and continuous meditation on the Truth for the wise one. Ultimately, that learned one attains the supreme Nirvikalpa* state and realizes the Bliss of Nirvana in this very life.


*Nirvikalpa Samadhi is attained by means of one-point absorption of the mental activity (cittavṛtti) in the Self in such a way that the distinctions (vikalpas) of the tripartite process (triputi) of knower, known, and knowing get dissolved.



71. Now I am going to describe the discrimination between the Self and the not-Self most elaborately---it is what you ought to know. Listen to it properly and thendecide about it well in your mind.


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