"Verses-120 to 123"



Causal body – its nature (verses 120-121):

120. This ―unmanifest, described as a combination of all three gunas, is the casual-body of the individual. Its special state is deep-sleep, in which all functions of the mind-intellect and the sense-organs are totally suspended.


121. The mind remains in a subtle seed-like form in deep sleep, which is the state of complete cessation of all kinds of perceptions. Indeed, the universal verdict in this state is, "I did not know anything then."


Not-self – its description (verses 122-123):


122. The body, sense-organs, Pranas, mind and ego etc. and all their modifications; the sense-objects and their pleasures etc; the gross elements such as ether, in fact the whole universe upto the Unmanifest---all these are the non-Self.


123. Everything is due to the effect of Maya—from Mahat down to the gross body. Know that these and Maya itself are the not-Self— therefore, they are unreal, like the mirage in a desert.


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