In the one, no plurality (verses 330-338):-

In the one, no plurality (verses 330-338):-


330. One who is completely established in unity/oneness (kaivalyam), while living, remains so even after the dissolution of the body. The Yajur-Veda declares that there is fear for one who sees even the least bit of differentiation.

331. Whenever the wise recognize even the least difference in the Infinite Brahman, at once, that which is perceived as difference through inadvertence, becomes a source of fear to them.

332. One who identifies the Self with the perceived objects, which have been negated by hundreds of Srutis, Smritis and reasoning, suffers one misery after another, like a thief---for he indulges in something forbidden.

333. One who is totally established in the Truth attains to the eternal glory of the Self. But one who dwells on the unreal perishes. That this is so is illustrated in the case of one who is not a thief and the one who is a thief.

334. The spiritual seeker should give up dwelling on the unreal, which causes bondage, and should always remain steadfast with thoughts fixed on the Self, thinking, ‗I am This.‘ For, steadfastness in Brahman gained through the realisation of one‘s identity with it, gives rise to bliss and thoroughly removes the misery born of nescience*, which one experiences in the state of ignorance.

*Nescience (avidya) is not ignorance in the general sense of lack of information regarding something. Rather, it denotes a special form of ignorance—about the essential nature of the Self. All systems of Hindu philosophy agree that ignorance is the primary cause of our bondage to the world of becoming, i.e., samsara.

335. Constant contemplation upon the external objects will only intensify their fruits in the form of evil propensities, which grow from bad to worse. Knowing this, through discrimination, one should leave the thoughts of external objects and constantly apply oneself to the contemplation of the Self.

336. When the objective world is shut out, the mind becomes quiet and in the quiet mind arises the vision of the Supreme Self. When‗That‘ is perfectly realised, bondage to the world of becoming* is destroyed. Hence the cessation of the external world is the initial step on the path to liberation.

*Bhava bandhana means bondage of the world of becoming or conditioned existence. Hindu religion calls this world of becoming bhava saagar, the ocean of repeated births and deaths.

337. Who being learned, able to discriminate between the Real and the unreal, believing the Vedas as authority, fixing his gaze upon the Self, the Supreme Reality, and being a seeker after liberation, will, like a child, consciously run after the unreal, which will surely be the cause of one‘s downfall?

338. There is no liberation for the one who is attached to the body etc., and the liberated person has no identification with the body etc. One who is sleep is not awake, and one who is awake does not dream, for these two are opposite in nature.


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