Cause-effect – false (verses 349-353):

349. These three* are observed in ‗the rope‘ when its real nature is fully apprehended. Hence the wise person should know the true nature of things for the sake of liberation from bondage.

*Seer, seen, and seeing.

350. Just as a piece of iron through contact with fire manifests as fire, the intellect manifests itself as the knower and the known through the immanence of Brahman. These two---the effects of the intellect---are observed to be unreal as in delusion, dream, and imagination

351. So too, the modifications of Nature, from the ego down to the gross body and all the sense-objects, are also unreal. They are unreal, indeed, because they are subject to change every moment. But the Self never changes.

352. The Supreme Self is eternal, non-dual, one, indivisible, pure consciousness, the witness of the Intellect etc., other than the Real and the unreal, indicated by the term ―I‖, the inmost self, and the embodiment of eternal Bliss.

353. Thus the wise person, discriminating between the Real and the unreal, determining the Truth by the insight of his knowledge and realising his own Self to be indivisible Knowledge, becomes free and attains peace by himself.


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