Atma & Liberation verses (189 - 193.)


Ātma – unattached (verses 189-191) :


189. The Self, which is Knowledge Absolute, shines within the vital breaths (pranas), in the heart. Though immutable, It appears to be the doer and the experiencer because of the limiting adjuncts


190. This Atma, although the Self of all, by a mistaken identification with the intellect, assumes the limitations of the intellect and considers Itself as something different—like the pots from the clay of which they are made.


191. Even though the Supreme Self is by nature perfect and ever unchanging, due to Its association with the limiting adjuncts, It partakes the characteristics of these adjuncts and appears to act like the formless fire assuming the form of the iron in which it inheres.


What is liberation? – Disciple (verses 192-193) :


192. The disciple asked—That the supreme Self has come to consider Itself as the embodied self, through delusion or otherwise, is a superimposition which is  ; that which is beginning less cannot be said to have an end.


193. So the embodied state of the Self must also be without an end, ever subject to transmigration. Please tell me, O revered Master, how then there can be liberation for the Self?



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