Fully detached – Samadhi easy (verses 373-378) :

373. Only a detached person is fit for this internal and external renunciation; for only a dispassionate person, desirous of liberation, readily renounces both internal and external attachments. 

374. Only a dispassionate person, thoroughly established in Brahman, can give up external attachment for objects and internal attachment to the ego, etc. 

375. Please understand, O wise one, that dispassion and discriminating knowledge in an aspirant are like the two wings of a bird; unless both are active, no one can take the help of just one and soar to the pinnacle of the palace of liberation. 

376. A person of extreme dispassion alone experiences samadhi; a man of samadhi alone has steady Realization; a person who has realised Truth alone is free from bondage and the free person alone experiences Eternal Bliss. 

377. For a self-controlled person, I find no better generator of happiness than dispassion and if that is coupled with a clear Realization of the Self, it brings about absolute sovereignty, within and without. And since this is the gateway to the damsel of eternal Liberation, for your own well-being be dispassionate both within and without--always fixing your mind on the eternal Self. 

378. Cut asunder your craving for sense-objects which are like poison—it is the very image of death; and giving up your pride of caste, family and order of life, throw far away all selfish actions. Renounce your identification with such unreal things as the body and fix your mind upon the Self. For, in reality you are the Witness, the Brahman, untainted by the mind, Non-dual and Supreme. 


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