Description of Vijnānamaya kośa and its negation(verses 184-188) :




Description of Vijnānamaya kośa and its negation(verses 184-188) :

184. The intellect with its modifications along with the organs of perception form the intellectual-sheath (vignanamaya-kosa). It has the characteristics of ―the agent‖(or doer), which is the cause for transmigration.

185.  Accompanied by a reflection of the light of consciousness, the intellectual-sheath is a modification of Primordial Matter (Prakriti). It is endowed with the function of knowledge and action and is always completely identified with the body, sense-organs, etc.

186. It is without beginning, is of the nature of the ego (I-sense), and is called the embodied self, which carries out the entire range of activities on the relative plane. It performs good and evil actions according to its previous latent tendencies, and experiences their results.

187. It comes and goes, up and down, taking birth in various bodies. The waking, dream and other states, and the experiences of joy and sorrow, belong to this intellectual-sheath.


188. Identifying with the attributes of the stages-of-life, their duties and functions, which actually belong to the body, it considers them as its own. The Vignanamaya-kosa is extremely radiant due to its close proximity to the Supreme Self. It is a superimposition on the Self, which, when identified with it, suffers transmigration through delusion



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