Experience of Self-hood (verses 472-479) :

472. Noble-hearted renunciates who have abandoned all attachments and discarded all sense-enjoyments, who are calm and controlled, realize this supreme Truth. And at the end, they gain Bliss Supreme as a result of their Self-realization.

473. You too, discriminating thus, be established in this surpassing Truth, the real nature of the Self which is Bliss Absolute, and shaking off the delusion created by your own mind, be liberated and illumined and fulfill your destiny.

474. Perceive the nature of the Self with the eye of perfect Knowledge through Samadhi, where the mind has been brought to complete quietude. If the declarations of Sruti (heard from the Teacher) are perfectly understood without a trace of doubt, it can lead to no more scepticism.

475. When the Self, the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, is realised, through liberation from one's bondage of ignorance, then the scriptures, logical reasoning, the words of the Teacher--these are proofs; the internal realization of one's own concentrated mind is yet another proof.

476. Bondage and liberation, contentment and anxiety, health, hunger, etc. are directly known only by the person concerned; others have knowledge of these by mere inference.

477. Standing apart, the teachers and the scriptures instruct the disciple; the learned must cross over (avidya) by illumination backed by the Grace of God.

478. Knowing one‘s own Absolute Self through Realization, becoming perfect, one should stand face to face before the Self, with mind free from all concepts of dualism.

479. The conclusive view of all Vedantic doctrines is this: that the individual self as well as the entire universe are in truth only the Brahman; that liberation means to abide in the Brahman, the indivisible entity; the statement that Brahman is non-dual has its proven authority in the sriptures.


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