Meditation – the technique (verses 379-383) :

379. Fixing the mind firmly on Brahman, the point of concentration, restraining the sense-organs in their respective centres, holding the body steady and taking no thought for its maintenance, attaining identity with Brahman and being One with It, continuously drink the Bliss of Brahman in your own Self. Of what use are other things? They are entirely false, empty! 

380. Having renounced all thought of the not-Self, which is impure and source of of misery, dwell on the Self, the Bliss Absolute, and the source of liberation. 

381. Eternally shines this Atman, the Self-effulgent Witness of everything, ever-manifest in the sheath of the intellect. Making this Atman, which is distinct from the unreal, the aim of contemplation, meditate upon It as your own Self, eliminating all other thoughts. 

382. Contemplating continuously upon this Atman, with no intervention of any other thought, one must distinctly realise It as one‘s own Real Self. 

383. By strengthening one‘s identification with this Self and by renouncing all identifications with the ego etc., one must live with no concern for them, as if they were trivialities like a broken pot or the like. 


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