There is no plurality (verses 465-471) :

465. Only Brahman there is, one without a second, complete, infinite, without beginning or end, Ineffable and changeless; in It there is no duality whatsoever.

466. The essence of Existence, the essence of Knowledge, the essence of Eternal Bliss, Non-dual, devoid of any activity, is only the Brahman; one without a second; in It there is no duality whatsoever.

467.The Subject within all, Non-dual, homogeneous, endless, all-pervading, there is only the Brahman; one without a second; in It there is no duality whatsoever.

468. That which is to be neither shunned nor taken up nor accepted, that which is non-dual and without support--there is only the Brahman; in it there is no duality whatsoever.

469. With no qualities or parts, It is subtle without disturbances and taintless--there is only the Brahman; one without a second; in it there is no duality whatsoever.

470. The Real Nature which is incomprehensible, which is beyond mind and speech and non-dual, there is only the Brahman; in It there is no duality whatsoever.

471. Self-existing, Self-evident, pure Intelligence, unlike anything finite, non-dual, there is only the Brahman; in It there is no plurality whatsoever.


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