Total vigilance – its price (verses 320-329) :

Total vigilance – its price (verses 320-329) :


320. Causing the perceived universe, both external and internal, to vanish, and meditating upon the Reality, the Bliss-Embodied, one should pass one‘s time watchfully for any residual Prarabdha.

321. One should never be negligent in one‘s steady abidance in Brahman. The divine son of Creator, Santakumara, has called negligence as death itself.

322. For the wise there is no greater danger than negligence about one‘s own real nature. From this comes delusion; from delusion comes egoism; from egoism comes bondage; and from bondage comes misery.

323. Finding one hankering after the sense-objects, forgetfulness, through perverted mind, bewilders even a wise person, just as a woman torments her fond lover.

324. As moss, even if removed, does not stay away for a moment, but closes up to cover the water again, so also illusion covers even the wise, if they ever get extrovert.

325. If the mind ever so slightly strays from its ideal* and becomes outgoing, then it goes down and down, just like a ball, inadvertently dropped on a row of stairs, bounces down the stairs.


326. When the mind turns to sense-objects, it becomes intent on their qualities. From this intentness arises desire. After desiring, a person sets about to gain that thing.

327. Through inadvertence, a person may deviate from the Real Nature. The man, who has thus deviated, falls. The fallen comes to ruin and is rarely seen to rise again.

328. Therefore, just, as the edibles, prohibited by the doctor, are not taken by the sick, one should totally give up the habit of thinking of sense objects, which is the root-cause of all the mischief.

329. Therefore, to the discerning knower of Brahman, there is no greater death than negligence. But one who regularly practices deep concentration attains complete success. Hence, carefully concentrate upon Brahman in your mind.


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